Design API layer


  1. This is an example for layer for API like REST
  2. Each API method should have separated javascript method
  3. We have two backends: main and reserved, and sometimes we can switch between them.

The API for this example:

  • GET /posts — List of all posts
  • GET /post/:id — Read single post by ID
  • POST /posts — Create new post, require authorization
  • PUT /post/:id — Edit created post, require authorization

Let's design API for JavaScript developers:

// First describe types which will be used in methods
interface Post {
id: number
title: string
content: string
authorId: number
interface PostForm {
title: string
content: string
// Next prototype javascript methods
export function postsList(): Promise<Post[]>
export function postRead(postId: number): Promise<Post>
export function postCreate(form: PostForm): Promise<Post>
export function postEdit(postId: number, form: PostForm): Promise<Post>

Okay toplevel API is done. Let's deep dive into underlevel.

Attach and call it

We have two methods that requires authorization(postCreate, postEdit) and two simple(postsList, postRead).

How can we store authorization information? For example we should have some kind of authorization token

// If null, use don't have authorization token
export const $token = createStore<string | null>(null)
export const $isAuthorized = $ => token !== null)

First of all, we define basic API methods, to call our backend:

import { $token } from 'features/session'
// 3 from introduction
const $backendUrl = createStore(RUNTIME_CONFIG.backend.main)
interface Request {
uri: string
method: 'POST' | 'GET' | 'PUT'
// body is always javascript object, or nothing
body?: object
// Plain javascript object to pass custom headers
headers?: Record<string, string>
const requestFx = createEffect<Request, any, Error>({
handler: async ({ path, method, ...config }) => {
const body = config.body ? JSON.stringify(config.body) : undefined
const response = await fetch(path, { method, body, headers })
if (!response.ok) {
throw new NetworkError(await response.json())
return response.json()

You can explicitly define effect.done type using something like typed-contracts to generate types from runtime validators. But here it is not neccessary. Also NetworkError and AccessRestrictedError are custom classes that extend Error, that should be used to handle custom errors on different layers (you can use any paradigm).

Okay, requestFx can be used to request any data using POST, GET and PUT with body as json object. Now you need to define method, that uses backend uri and token.

interface RequestInternal {
// Will be appended to backend URL
// Format: { path: "/posts" }
path: string
method: 'POST' | 'GET' | 'PUT'
// body is always javascript object, or nothing
body?: object
// Plain javascript object to pass custom headers
headers?: Record<string, string>
// Just attach backendUri to request
const requestInternalFx = attach({
source: $backendUrl,
effect: requestFx,
mapParams: ({ path, ...config }: RequestInternal, backendUrl) => {
// Here we need to construct params for requestFx
const uri = `${backendUrl}${params.path}`
return { ...config, uri }
// Create effect that send only authorized requests
const requestAuthorizedFx = attach({
source: $token,
effect: requestInternalFx,
mapParams: ({ headers, ...config }: RequestInternal, token) => {
// Here we need to construct params for requestInternalFx
// If no token, just throw an custom error
if (!token) {
throw new AccessRestrictedError('authorization token required')
const headersAuth = { ...headers, Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }
return { ...config, headers: headersAuth }

Now we have two service effects to call non-authorized and authorized methods. Let's use it to create methods from introduction 2.

export const postsList: Effect<void, Post[], Error> = attach({
effect: requestInternalFx,
mapParams: () => ({ path: '/posts', method: 'GET' }),
export const postRead: Effect<number, Post, Error> = attach({
effect: requestInternalFx,
mapParams: (postId) => ({ path: `/post/${postId}`, method: 'GET' }),
export const postCreate: Effect<PostForm, Post, Error> = attach({
effect: requestAuthorizedFx,
mapParams: (newPost) => ({ path: '/posts', method: 'POST', body: newPost }),
export const postEdit: Effect<{ id: number; form: PostForm }> = attach({
effect: requestAuthorizedFx,
mapParams: ({ id, form }) => ({
path: `/post/${id}`,
method: 'PUT',
body: form,

As you can see, original postEdit has two arguments, but effect can have only one. That's because we need to wrap arguments to object with explicit argument names.

Now you can add listeners to requestFx, requestInternalFx and requestAuthorizedFx to handle all request calls created with attach(). It can be handy when you create requests loader of some kind. For example:

const $requestsInPendingState = requestFx.inFlight
$ => {
console.log('in pending', count)
// => 0
postsList() // => 1
postRead(5) // => 2
// => 1
// => 0